
Archive for the ‘Yaddah yaddah’ Category

As I was telling my best-good friend yesterday, I often wake up in the morning with this oh-so-positive thought: “I want to sleep through today.”

Really, that’s my mantra most mornings. I realize it’s probably not a healthy thought, but it crops up fairly often.

Today I didn’t really wake up with that thought. Actually, since getting over the stomach flu, my first thought was: “Please god I really don’t want to puke today don’t make me puke I really just want to have a happy stomach today.” My thoughts don’t have punctuation.

Although not my usual mantra, still not a very positive one.

I sent out a thank-you email last night to the people I work with, since they shifted schedules and covered some sessions that I was supposed to do yesterday but missed since I was out sick. I got a couple responses today, very nice ones sending very nice feel-better wishes, but one especially stuck with me.

A woman I work with whom I haven’t really spoken to all that much said to me, and I quote:

“Em, I’m so sorry to hear you’re sick, but I’m sending you happy squeezy thoughts to make you feel better.”

No way! Someone outside of the Circle* knows about the squeezing? Get out!

Now, I think in the morning I’m going to start thinking happy, squeezy thoughts.

*Circle=the circle of trust. Duh.

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Economic Bracket

I made a disturbing discovery this afternoon.

There is a crack in the paint on my car and it’s beginning to rust.

The first thought that went through my head, and I realize this will make me sound like a snob, was “I’ve always thought that rusty cars belonged to poor people.”  Then I realized the more disturbing part of my disturbing discovery: I am poor people.  Well, shit.

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Why I love the fauxhawk

My friend recently, as in today, wrote about the tragic hairstyle that is the fauxhawk. We were talking about it in person while he was writing, and it got me thinking why it is that I am so in love with fauxhawks. His beef with the style is that it’s a lazy, emo-man’s take on easy hair–no commitment to any one style, able to change in the blink of an eye or at least the swipe of a hairbrush. This of course logically led to the idea that if a person can’t commit to a hairstyle, then obviously he can’t commit to a doctrine.

However, if a hairstyle is commentary on commitment, what does it say about people who have actual, honest-to-god mohawks, resurrected from the punk era? What kind of commitment are you making when you, as a male, grow out your hair only to shave off a good three quarters of it then torture the rest into ridiculous, phallic, often wildly colored and highly gelled spikes sticking from your otherwise bare cranium? If we’re talking doctrine, I’m not sure I want that kind.

The fauxhawk is a softer, less abrasive, and certainly less risky commitment to beliefs. It shows flexibility, the desire to change, and the ability to blend in with a variety of situations. Wear a fauxhawk and be a rebel. Dye it and go to a rave. Brush it out and work in the office. Makes sense to me.

Beckham’s fauxhawk

I don’t love the fauxhawk because I’m a fan of emo. Far from it. I hate emo. However, especially lately, I’ve found myself less turned off by the skinny jeans (not ass-tight, though), fitted shirts and sweaters (again, not ass-tight), and bizarre hair. Correction: when I say less turned off I mean that I see the potential to find appeal in a tamer version of this emo thing. And if that comes with the fauxhawk I’m okay with that. I love the fauxhawk because it isn’t the hardcore version of punk resistance.

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So here I am, at my desk at home, flipping through October 15th’s issue of Newsweek. I really enjoy this magazine. It makes me feel like I’m actually keeping up with world events, rather than glancing at my news feed widget every ten minutes to read headlines.

Anyway, flipping. I always read the “Perspectives” page because it often has fabulously funny quotes and some good editorial cartoons. You know, reference material for teaching and all. As I’m reading, I find this:

“If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president. It’s kind of a pipe dream; it’s a personal fantasy of mine.” –Ann Coulter, on the Democratic Party’s supposed struggles to win hawkish voters and any other demographic besides “single women.” (Newsweek, October 15, 2007)

Unfreakingbelievable. How is it possible, in this world, that this women exists? I was actually speechless for the first five minutes after reading this. Okay, five seconds maybe, but that’s a long time to be speechless about something this totally ridiculous. Does she even have a brain? And, if so, what does it really do? I’m guessing it’s just to fill up the space in her head, otherwise it would be completely empty. Actually, now that you mention it….

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Alien Toes

My foots

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A Few Favorites

These are some of the websites and things I’ve been really excited about lately.

Humanitarians Not Heroes

This site, Humanitarians Not Heroes, has these fantastic shirts with the birth and death dates of notable actors, musicians, philanthropists, philosophers–you name it. This one is Michel Foucault. Perhaps not my first pick, but I really liked the colors. And the concept, of course.

Yellena print

I bought this print from one of my favorite Etsy vendors, Yellena. She has these amazing illustrations–I can’t even describe how cool they are.

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I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the levels of self-confidence some people have, and I wonder why these people believe it’s okay to tell other people that they are brilliant. It’s one thing for me to say that in jest, especially when being sarcastic about something I really suck at. However, anytime someone uses that word and actually means it I find my first response to be laughter, while the response immediately following is something like indignation. Honestly, do you really think you’re smarter than me? I’m no genius, but I certainly know more about some things than other people.

Is it actually an insecurity thing when someone tells me he’s really smart? Or, does he honestly believe that he is smart? I believe I’m smart, but not about everything, and I certainly don’t tell everyone I meet how smart I am.

Maybe I’m just angry, and that’s why this has been annoying me. The other option I’ve considered is that I’m jealous because I would also like to be able to tell people I’m really good at something. Do I honestly believe I’m good at some things? Yes. Do I believe I’m brilliant? No. It would take a lot for me to actually believe that.

I remember reading something a few years ago about the differences between men and women when applying for jobs. This article explained that men feel more comfortable talking about themselves, such as their talents and knowledge, while women often apologize for being intelligent or having certain skills. I’ve often thought a lot about that, and find that I have done this in the past–I feel guilty for being smart, or for being better at something than someone else. At the same time, I feel like I’m pretty kickass. It’s a constant internal debate I have going on. I still prescribe to the idea that you should have some humility about your abilities and knowledge, yet I simultaneously want to be recognized for my sheer, limitless genius. See, there goes the sarcasm again.

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Fart Particles

Yes, I may be somewhat of a twelve-year-old boy. So what.

Fart Particles

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Ugh. Grading Blows.

Every time I sit down to grade, without fail, I let myself get distracted by the tiniest, most mundane things. Right now I’m writing this when I should be grading that last stack of papers. I am also thinking that I really need to clean my room, especially since there are dust bunnies on the top of my desk (yep, the top). It also doesn’t help that Tank is sleeping on the desk right next to me, so of course I have to reach out and squeeze him every five minutes. Just now I scratched behind his ears and he squeezed his paws up against his face. So cute! How can I grade when I have that kind of distraction? I could kick him off but that’s just silly. He’d just come right back up.


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It’s your name, but with “-ness” on the end.

I’m changing the blog…again! Just wait, new things are on the way!

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